Seed of Success: The First Hybrid Maize Seed Succeeds

July 18th, 2024
In February 2024, the National Maize Program, in partnership with the Geog Agriculture Sector in Udzorong, initiated community-based hybrid maize seed production of Wengkhar Hybrid Maize-1 (WHM-1) at Lamzang, covering 0.33 acres. This collaboration aims to enhance the maize hybridization program and improve domestic seed systems, thereby increasing maize production.
Given that this initiative is unprecedented in the country, capacity-building of farmers and relevant stakeholders were conducted through practical demonstrations and hands-on training. These demonstrations focused on essential agronomic practices such as land preparation, field layout, strategic planting of male and female parental lines, detasseling, emasculating, and bulk pollination.
Earlier this month, a field day on hybrid maize seed production was held, which included identifying physiological maturity, harvesting techniques, and post-harvest handling. A total of 320 kg of F1 hybrid seeds was produced. Participants noted that the WHM-1 hybrid features good cob size, medium height, and dark green stalks at maturity, and expressed interest in continuing seed production if parental lines were made available. Additionally, suitable areas for productivity assessment will be identified.
Building on this success, the National Maize Program plans to expand seed production in January 2025, providing farmers with essential inputs and technical guidance on agronomic practices. Supported by the CARLEP-IFAD, this field day represents a significant step towards improving maize productivity and achieving self-sufficiency in the country.
Credit: ARDC
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