On-site Capacity Development of Engineers on Climate Proof Irrigation Infrastructure
Commercial Agricultural and Resilient Livelihood Enhancement Program (CARLEP) conducted on-site training on Climate proof irrigation infrastructure development for Engineers of six program dzongkhags and ARDCs. The training has been initiated as a follow up action to the IFAD’s Supervision Mission recommendation with technical assistant from Mr. Michele Parrazoli, an irrigation Engineer from IFAD. The training sites identified are based on three priority Dzongkhags (Samdrupjongkhar, Trashigang and Mongar) which were identified during annual work plan and budget meeting and will be implemented during financial year 2018-2019
The training is to make the engineers able to evaluate the critical and vulnerable sites in the proposed irrigation schemes under respective Dzongkhags and come up with necessary mitigation measures. Based on the site observation and assessment, they should be able to identify and include the climate resilient features and other possible options in light of climate change.
The On-site training started from 24th April from Samdrupcholing Dungkhag under Samdrupjongkhar Dzongkhar and will complete on 2nd May 2018 at Yayung in Dremetse under Mongar dzongkhag. Total 14 engineers (male-11, female-3) are participating the ten days training with the financial support from CARLEP/IFAD.
Updates by: Ugyen Wangdi, CM Agri. and Karma Tenzin M&EO