Newly Established Liquid Nitrogen Plant at RLDC is Poised to Enhance Sustainable Livestock Management across the Six Eastern Dzongkhags

April 23rd, 2024

For over a decade, an aging liquefied nitrogen facility, with a capacity of five liters, has struggled to meet the demand for liquid nitrogen across 52 gewog extension offices in six Eastern dzongkhags. Its limited production capacity and frequent breakdowns have often necessitated purchasing from private firms, incurring substantial costs. To address this issue, funding from the Commercial Agriculture and Resilient Livelihoods Enhancement Programme (CARLEP) totaling 11.715 million was utilized to acquire a new machine capable of producing 10 liters of liquid nitrogen per hour. This investment aims to ensure a consistent supply for preserving cattle semen. The process involves capturing nitrogen gas from the environment, compressing it, and cooling it to temperatures as low as -196 degrees Celsius. With the new plant in operation, officials, including Sangay Lethro, Officiating Programme Director at RLDC Kanglung, are confident in their ability to supply all six eastern districts without shortages. The implementation of this new facility is expected to bolster the Breeding Intensification Programme under the Department of Livestock, aligning with the objectives of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Its benefits are anticipated to extend to every dairy group and individual across the six Eastern Dzongkhags.

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