Lucrative Plant Nursery Business: A Case of Goedoedh Kheunjung Ling Horticulture Nursery at Ridaza, Mongar

October 19th, 2022

Goedoedh Kheunjung Ling Horticulture Nursery (GKLHN) in Ridaza, Mongar, grows and sells a variety of grafted fruit seedlings in the region and beyond. The nursery is owned by Mr. Kencho Wangdi, a 44-year-old retired driving instructor, from Dawakha, Paro. The nursery was established in 2021 on his spouse’s land. Inspired by the success of other private nurseries and considering income opportunities, Kencho wanted to start his own nursery with the support of his wife, Mrs. Dorji Wangmo, who serves as a Sr. Agriculture Supervisor at the Agriculture Research and Development Centre-Wengkhar, Mongar.

Thanks to his wife’s persistent support and technical assistance, Kencho established a nursery despite having no prior experience in nursery raising and plant management.

“Making this nursery a profitable endeavor has been made possible by my wife. Without her assistance, I would have found it challenging, “Kencho explains.

He began to learn and grow plants in a small greenhouse, which brought him a good return as compared to his salary from his previous employment.

“My salary as a driving instructor was Nu.7000 per month and was not enough to run a household. But today I can earn thrice that amount by selling fruit seedlings,” says Kencho.

Through the sale of fruit seedlings, Kencho has earned Nu. 755412 through the sale of 4604 numbers of temperate and subtropical fruit seedlings in 2021. His nursery was one of the highest contributing PNOs in FY 2021-2022.

Owing to great success with his fruit seedling venture, now he plans to add 6 more terraces and a new greenhouse (5*10 m) for which he received financial support for the purchase of greenhouse from CARLEP through ARDC Wengkhar. His interest in nursery work has reached its zenith with time and experience. He wants to encourage young unemployed people to take up nursery enterprises like him.

“If an old person like me can do it, young people can certainly do it better,” he claims.



Article by: Tshering Yangchen, Horticulture Officer, ARDC Wengkhar, Mongar

Edited by: Chhimi Lhamo, GKMO, OPM

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