Lhuentse Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector gearing for winter vegetable production
Lhuentse Dzongkhag preparing for winter vegetable production through organizing farmers training on vegetable production and management techniques. The training was focused to those Gewogs identified under CARLEP Value Chain and commercialization. The objective of the training was to build the capacity of the farmers and enhance the production skills such as land preparation, nursery raising, transplanting, an intercultural operation and pest and disease management. Training was conducted in Gewog Center facilitated by Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer, Extension Officer and Agriculture Component Manager from the OPM.
Training was conducted from 9th -13th October 2017 and attended by 407 farmers (M- 161, F-246) in Gangzur, Khoma, Menji and Tshenkhar Gewog. Participants were mostly from vegetable groups and interested individuals venturing into commercial cultivation. To put the knowledge into practices, post training action plan was prepared for every Gewogs to be implemented and to start up the program, varieties of vegetable seeds distributed. The training was supported by CARLEP/IFAD under intensification and expansion of vegetable production.
Field updates by: Ugyen Wangdi CARLEP & Kinzang Thinley Agri. Lhuentse