Farmers’ Fruits and Vegetables Crops Competition and Exhibitions at Trashitse, Trashigang

Honorable Minister for Work and Human Settlement, Lyonpo Dorji Choden graced the occasion of 109th National Day at Trashitse Autonomous Higher Secondary school, Wamrong.
Trashigang Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector in collaboration with Agriculture Research and Development Center (ARDC), Wengkhar organised Farmers’ Fruits and Vegetables Crops Competition and Exhibitions coinciding with the auspicious occasion. The event was organised with financial support from CARLEP to encourage farmers to upscale vegetables production and create awareness among the civil servants on local produce. Forty farmers from Lumang, Khaling, Thrimshing and Kangpara Gewogs participated in the event. Fruits and vegetables such as Mandarin, Broccoli, Bunching Onion, Cabbage, Corriander, Garlic leaves, Mustard green and Radish were judged on different quality parameter.
Honorable chief guest awarded the prizes to the winners. First (flexible pipe and sprinkler), second (spade, hoe,watering can) and third (spade and watering can) prizes in vegetable category were awarded per item, while in fruit category, first (secateurs and pruning saw), second (top pruner) and third (pruning saw) prizes were awarded. All the participants were also awarded consolation prizes (serrated sickle and vegetables seeds).
ARDC also exhibited different varieties of citrus, cereals and vegetables seeds, mushroom spawn and SMART Irrigation System at the event.